Open hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a


Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego
Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego
Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego
Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego




Learn from the best Martial Arts and Fitness instructors in the Plaistow area who are dedicated to providing a stable, family environment where you can excel in your personal goals and find a varied and supportive community. Whether your plan is to compete, lose weight, meet new like-minded people or increase your day-to-day life, we will help you get there faster than you ever thought possible while having fun doing it!


Improves Your Flexibility

Yes, they are a big part of Martial Arts, and performing these moves frequently and properly builds flexibility.

Improves Strength

That feeling where you are able to quickly handle something that would normally be too fast for you is something you can actually train.

Improves Focus

Martial Arts is a fantastic method for improving yourself in many ways, whether you are trying to before more fit, or learn how to be a good leader, or how to socialize.



The benefits of Martial Arts and Fitness classes are endless. From confidence and self-esteem to discipline and empowerment, whether you’re enjoying our Kids Martial Arts classes or our Adult programs, you’ll start seeing improvement in mind, body, and spirit in only a few short classes. GET STARTED TODAY by clicking the Request More Information button above!

Want to try Two Weeks of Free Martial Arts Classes for Kids?

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The training facility is great, staff are enthusiastic and insightful, and the members are very friendly. People with any level of experience can jump right in and get individualized support while also being part of the group. You're sure to have a great workout, learn something new, and have an awesome time!

Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego

Michael Short

This Place is the Bomb. I brought my son to one session to watch and he is hooked!!! My girl is already planning her boot camp after she has our little girl :) I recommend this to anyone with kids or anyone that wants to get in the best shape of your life; both mentally and physically!!

Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego

Mike Maniotis

One of the best things I have EVER done for myself was to join the Kickboxing class. The friends & the memories I’ve made over the past 11 years are priceless!!!! One of the best things I have EVER done for myself was to The friends & the memories I’ve made over the past 11 years are priceless!!!!

Get the Best Taekwondo Training in Oswego. Best Taekwondo School in Oswego

Janey Jimplin


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Perfect Bodies


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Martial arts will teach you focus, discipline, memory, goal setting, respect, confidence, and the realization of the effort that it takes to become a self confident individual.

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