Kids' Martial Arts Is The First Step On Your Child's Personal Development Journey!
Across The Board, Parents Have Been Telling Us
Their Kids Are Suffering From Things Like:
We quickly implemented our Covid-19 precautions, and it's been a huge success!
We are strictly sticking to staying six feet apart, and we have measured and marked social distancing points throughout the studio to make it easy for everyone.
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Martial Arts Training Has A Positive Impact On
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Your Child Can Work To Earn
Life skills are very important to us at Victory Karate. Each month, our students and parents receive a monthly worksheet for the child to complete in order to earn an additional life skills stripe on their belt!
After warming up for each class, we conduct a "Mat Chat," where we discuss the word of the month as a group. This includes words such as.
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As a martial arts instructor with extensive experience training kids, there is nothing better than seeing them grow firsthand.
But more important than the martial arts skills they learn… is the personal skills they develop and carry for life.
Because martial arts is so much more than just kicking and punching, and getting the next colorful belt.
It’s about developing confidence, discipline, character, focus and respect.
With every class we teach, your kids are growing in mind, body and character.
That’s because martial arts provides instant positive feedback. Through learning to focus on the core moves, they develop discipline and respect. They can instantly see and feel a difference, making them destined to build confidence, self-awareness and self-respect.
And of course it’s a ton of FUN!
That’s why I love teaching martial arts to kids in this community, and why I know your kids are going to LOVE training.
So please have a look below to find out exactly how your kids can benefit from our fun martial arts classes.
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Class, And If They Don't Love It,